Chris and Erica

Chris and Erica arrive for a holiday weekend visit. Both are friends from our days in Indiana. For some reason, they decided on Wednesday to fly in for the Memorial Day weekend. Ah, to be in our care-free twenties—making last minute plans to fly across the country. Who are we kidding, we were never that care free. But we are certainly glad they are!
Our daughter started planning for their visit Thursday morning. She remembered their last visit (when she was four) and was all smiles upon learning of their plans. She spent the rest of the day prepping her brother. “You were little when they visited, so you probably don’t remember, but they are very nice.”

They arrive around 5. We welcome them into our home with pizza, veggies and sausages—all direct from the grill. We grill the pizza the same way we did it back in March—we grill the dough on the grill until crisp, then cook with sauce and toppings in the oven.

The kids went to bed happy once we re-assured them that Chris and Erica would still be here for breakfast.

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